Parowan High Girls Volleyball team honored at board meeting

After months of discussion, the Board of Education of the Iron County School District approved the campus safety and security policy with a 3-2 vote.

The policy includes establishing a single point of entry into schools during the school day. Superintendent Dr. Lance Hatch said the district is still working to obtain the electrical components that will be installed on outside doors. Those digital locks will make it easier for administrators to comply with that single point of entry, especially at secondary schools where students are changing classes throughout the day. 

Following discussion during the work meeting, Hatch said administration was proposing new wording in the section of the policy which addresses locking of interior doors. The policy states: “All interior classroom doors will be locked in accordance with individual school safety plans that are approved by the district.” Hatch said this allows for variations as each school may need to make adjustments due to the building’s layout.

Board Member Ben Johnson agreed, stating that there will always be a variation in systems from school to school. Allowing each school to work through its safety plan with the district takes those differences into account.

Read more in Board Briefs